Supporting Our Community

PTA in the Community

To construct new track through the north side of Perth Station, modifications were required to the structural supports of the City of Perth Child Care Centre and beneath Barrack Street. This involved very complex construction work which required major changes to the Child Care Centre building,

To get underneath the structure, the Perth City Link Rail Alliance had to dig up the Child Care Centre’s playground and build a new supporting wall and slab, then place soil and grass back on the slab and reinstate the playground. While this work was taking place, the children had to be moved away to a temporary playground in the concourse on the south side of the centre.

After extensive consultation between the Alliance team and the Child Care Centre manager, a safe and attractive alternative environment for the children was established. The temporary playground was greeted with great enthusiasm by the City of Perth, the parents and - most importantly - the children. It has been a resounding success and stands as a shining example of how successful stakeholder engagement and positive spirit can produce a very effective solution to a tricky construction problem.