Supporting Our Community

41 Schedule of income and expenses by service

Metropolitan and Regional Passenger Services

Country Passenger Rail and Road Coach Services

Regional School Bus Services

Rail Corridor and Residual Freight Issues


Cost of Services
Employee benefits expenses 112,952 109,812 12,607 11,756 3,543 3,200 6,091 1,168 135,193 125,936
Supplies and Services 169,199 153,481 22,184 22,555 1,393 1,068 8,663 6,928 201,439 184,032

Depreciation and

amortisation expense

153,003 151,142 4,409 4,414 1,077 738 87,157 86,663 245,646 242,957
Finance costs 59,561 58,235 3,415 3,620 0 0 4,696 4,463 67,672 66,318
Grants and subsidies 272,373 244,803 0 0 103,079 100,844 4,415 0 379,867 345,647
Energy and fuel 21,474 19,104 2,624 2,491 24 0 1,114 950 25,236 22,545
Loss on disposal of non-current assets 816 351 0 0 0 0 0 (250) 816 101
Other expenses 18,501 14,126 1,268 1,388 472 230 577 424 20,818 16,168
Total cost of services 807,879 751,054 46,507 46,224 109,588 106,080 112,713 100,346 1,076,687 1,003,704
User charges and fees 176,039 156,056 11,217 10,413 4,747 4,400 0 0 192,003 170,869
Operating lease revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466
Commonwealth grants and contributions 364 343 91 86 0 0 11 11 466 440
Interest revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,125 2,042 3,125 2,042
Other revenue 20,770 43,126 18 19 0 0 11,376 9,338 32,164 52,483
Total income other than income from State Government 197,173 199,525 11,326 10,518 4,747 4,400 19,978 16,857 233,224 231,300
Net Cost of Services 610,706 551,529 35,181 35,706 104,841 101,680 92,735 83,489 843,463 772,404
Income from State Government
Service appropriation 634,981 587,163 38,863 37,257 102,146 100,996 199 5,770 776,189 731,186
Resources received free of charge 0 0 0 0 0 0 455 361 455 361
Royalties for Regions 0 0 7 0 3,000 1,900 0 0 3,007 1,900
Contributions - other government agencies 1,437 992 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,437 992
Total income from State Government 636,418 588,155 38,870 37,257 105,146 102,896 654 6,131 781,088 734,439
Surplus/(deficit) for the period 25,712 36,626 3,689 1,551 305 1,216 (92,081) (77,358) (62,375) (37,965)

The Schedule of Income and Expenses by Service should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.