Supporting Our Community

23 Infrastructure, property, plant, equipment and vehicles

At Fair Value
Accumulated depreciation
Carrying amount as at 30 June 2012

At Fair Value
Accumulated depreciation
Carrying amount as at 30 June 2011
Owned Assets:
Land (i) 0 361,222 0 361,222 0 350,737 0 350,737
Buildings (ii) 0 211,026 98,486 112,540 0 207,288 93,796 113,492
Freight network infrastructure (iii) 0 5,121,807 3,877,117 1,244,690 0 5,084,696 3,793,700 1,290,996
Rollingstock (ii) 0 1,023,824 402,545 621,279 0 1,023,824 369,867 653,957
Railway infrastructure (iv) 0 2,949,634 840,575 2,109,059 0 2,993,133 861,213 2,131,920
Plant, equipment and motor vehicles 35,121 0 17,793 17,328 38,584 0 14,430 24,154
Bus infrastructure (ii) 0 235,516 107,940 127,576 0 232,081 101,502 130,579
Vessels (ii) 0 3,200 1,851 1,349 0 3,200 1,771 1,429
Buses (ii) 0 713,858 364,796 349,062 0 664,240 345,784 318,456
Construction in progress (v) 317,002 0 0 317,002 121,368 0 0 121,368
Total 352,123 10,620,087 5,711,103 5,261,107 159,952 10,559,199 5,582,063 5,137,088

(i) Land controlled by the PTA has been revalued as at 1 July 2011 by Landgate (Valuation Services) and Burgess Rawson. The valuations were performed during the year ended 30 June 2012 and recognised at 30 June 2012. The fair value was determined by reference to market values. See note 2(g).

To ensure the valuations provided by Valuation Services were compliant at 30 June 2012 with the fair value requirements under AASB 116, Valuation Services provided the Department of Treasury with information that tracked the general movement in the market value of land and in building construction costs from the 1 July 2011 (the date of valuation) to 30 June 2012. Department of Treasury reviewed the information and determined that the valuations provided by Valuation Services (as at 1 July 2011) were compliant with fair value requirements for 30 June 2012 reporting without further adjustment by reference to market values based on existing use.

Land and buildings which are commercially leased were independently valued on the capitalised value of current lease by Burgess Rawson. The valuations were performed during the year ended 30 June 2012 and recognised at 30 June 2012.

(ii) Buildings, rollingstock, bus infrastructure, vessels and buses were last revalued on 30 June 2010 by independent valuers, engineering and management professionals at depreciated replacement cost.

(iii) Freight network infrastructure was revalued on 30 June 2010 at depreciated replacement cost. A model was developed using independent third party audited information, engineering and independent valuers. As a reliable market value does not exist for the freight network infrastructure the effect and disclosure on the current and future periods cannot be determined.

(iv) Railway infrastructure was revalued on 30 June 2012. Railway infrastructure has been revalued by PTA’s management professionals and third party vendors. The methodology adopted has been depreciated replacement cost with a modern equivalent asset capable of delivering the same service potential.

(v) Construction in progress is valued at cost.

Reconciliations of the carrying amounts of infrastructure, property, plant, equipment and vehicles at the beginning and end of the current financial year are set out below.

2012 Carrying amount at start of period
Revaluation Increments
Carrying amount at end of period
Owned Assets:
Land 350,737 0 4,529 5,956 0 0 361,222
Buildings 113,492 323 3,414 0 0 (4,689) 112,540
Freight network infrastructure 1,290,996 0 37,111 0 0 (83,417) 1,244,690
Rollingstock 653,957 0 0 0 0 (32,678) 621,279
Railway infrastructure 2,131,920 755 45,189 15,328 (455) (83,678) 2,109,059
Plant, equipment and motor vehicles 24,154 2,046 (4,055) 0 (8) (4,809) 17,328
Bus infrastructure 130,579 146 2,938 0 0 (6,087) 127,576
Vessels 1,429 0 0 0 0 (80) 1,349
Buses 318,456 0 59,629 0 (396) (28,627) 349,062
Construction in progress 121,368 257,130 (61,496) 0 0 0 317,002
Total 5,137,088 260,400 87,259 21,284 (859) (244,065) 5,261,107



Carrying amount at start of period



Revaluation Increments



Carrying amount at end of period

Owned Assets:


342,771 0 3,034 4,932 0 0 350,737


115,632 323 2,092 0 0 (4,555) 113,492

Freight network infrastructure

1,373,158 0 609 0 0 (82,771) 1,290,996


643,256 0 42,979 0 0 (32,278) 653,957

Railway infrastructure

2,125,497 755 90,438 0 0 (84,770) 2,131,920

Plant, equipment and motor vehicles

26,454 2,045 205 0 (1) (4,549) 24,154

Bus infrastructure

129,724 146 6,658 0 (2) (5,947) 130,579


1,509 0 0 0 0 (80) 1,429


301,967 0 43,538 0 (671) (26,378) 318,456

Construction in progress

68,134 191,456 (138,222) 0 0 0 121,368


5,128,102 194,725 51,331 4,932 (674) (241,328) 5,137,088