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Refer to Key Performance Indicators - Service Reliability for more information.

Refer to Key Performance Indicators for more information.





Passenger safety

Transwa continued to give close attention to passenger security in a number of ways.

The new Prospector and AvonLink trains are equipped with closed-circuit television monitoring of the passenger cabins. During the year, the organisation experienced very few instances of unruly behaviour which threatened the safety of other passengers. For those that did occur, Transwa received an excellent response from local police.

Staff continued to receive regular refresher training in road and rail safety, and rail and road coach drivers were assessed regularly to ensure the highest safety standards are maintained on all services.

A review of stopping places for Transwa road coach services was under way at year’s end to ensure that the embarking and disembarking of passengers were being done safely.Transwa is working closely with local and State Government authorities to implement changes identified as being necessary.

Occupational safety


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